In my life, I’ve been a chickpreneur, a solopreneur, an artpreneur and a business co-owner. I’ve owned businesses of all shapes, kinds and sizes. Some I still have, others have been sold and some didn’t make it. In all of this, I consider the business I co-owned with my husband to be some of the most rewarding years of my life. Why? Because not only did our business and marriage survive, but both thrived.
We owned a fire protection construction company for 15 years and then sold it and I jokingly say that I sold him with the business because he’s still there 7 years later. Part of the sale agreement was a two-year employment contract for a smooth transition, but after the two years were up, he stayed… mostly because he’s extraordinary!! You’ll find that I consider him to be one of the most amazing men on earth. His loyalty, integrity and steadfast nature make him my rock. He is the loudest positive voice in my head and he will step in front of a bullet for me. I never feel safer than when I’m in his arms nuzzled into the nape of his neck.
Our business venture endured a lot and feeling safe was a highly sought after feeling on many occasions. It was during this business that we experienced the toughest years as owners when the mortgage crisis left the construction industry (as well as the entire US economy) in shambles literally overnight. I’ll write about this in detail in a future blog because in hindsight, there’s much to be learned about owning a business in times of economic crisis. Along with the tough years, there were wonderful years. There is NOTHING equal to an entrepreneurial high in the years of prosperity. There is a saying, which will ring true if you have the e-chromosome (entrepreneurial chromosome). It goes like this:
“Not everyone is cut out for the small business way of life. But oh boy, on a nice day, when the water’s calm and you stand there, the captain of your own ship, it’s hard to imagine anything better.”
If a quote ever described the essence of an entrepreneur, this one does!!
How do married co-owners not only survive but also thrive through the good times and the bad? Well, that’s a long explanation but let me just throw out a few words and phrases which help describe how we did it…..
Respect, hard work, love, long hours, passion (for each other and our business), loyalty, sacrifice (of every imaginable kind), encouragement, compromise, amazing vacations, tears, intentionality, shared heartache, creativity, exhaustion and so so much more.
Was it easy? NOPE.
Was it rewarding? YEP.
Would I do it all over again? In a heartbeat!!
If you’d like to learn more about having a successful business and marriage all rolled into one, email me at [email protected].
We owned a fire protection construction company for 15 years and then sold it and I jokingly say that I sold him with the business because he’s still there 7 years later. Part of the sale agreement was a two-year employment contract for a smooth transition, but after the two years were up, he stayed… mostly because he’s extraordinary!! You’ll find that I consider him to be one of the most amazing men on earth. His loyalty, integrity and steadfast nature make him my rock. He is the loudest positive voice in my head and he will step in front of a bullet for me. I never feel safer than when I’m in his arms nuzzled into the nape of his neck.
Our business venture endured a lot and feeling safe was a highly sought after feeling on many occasions. It was during this business that we experienced the toughest years as owners when the mortgage crisis left the construction industry (as well as the entire US economy) in shambles literally overnight. I’ll write about this in detail in a future blog because in hindsight, there’s much to be learned about owning a business in times of economic crisis. Along with the tough years, there were wonderful years. There is NOTHING equal to an entrepreneurial high in the years of prosperity. There is a saying, which will ring true if you have the e-chromosome (entrepreneurial chromosome). It goes like this:
“Not everyone is cut out for the small business way of life. But oh boy, on a nice day, when the water’s calm and you stand there, the captain of your own ship, it’s hard to imagine anything better.”
If a quote ever described the essence of an entrepreneur, this one does!!
How do married co-owners not only survive but also thrive through the good times and the bad? Well, that’s a long explanation but let me just throw out a few words and phrases which help describe how we did it…..
Respect, hard work, love, long hours, passion (for each other and our business), loyalty, sacrifice (of every imaginable kind), encouragement, compromise, amazing vacations, tears, intentionality, shared heartache, creativity, exhaustion and so so much more.
Was it easy? NOPE.
Was it rewarding? YEP.
Would I do it all over again? In a heartbeat!!
If you’d like to learn more about having a successful business and marriage all rolled into one, email me at [email protected].